Play Ball!

Bishop Kelly girl’s varsity basketball team. Photo by BK yearbook staff member Avery Hopkins. Written By: Hadley Dermott Having trained diligently since this summer, the Bishop Kelly girls basketball team finally starts the season with high hopes. Coach Dereck McCormick has been coaching girls varsity basketball for sixteen years and has seen many team dynamicsContinue reading “Play Ball!”

Get Ready for Finals!

Written By: Rhinarrah Narruhn Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, are you ready for finals? Well it’s time for one of the most stressful time periods of almost everybody’s high school career. Mark your calendars for December 19-22, Tuesday to Friday. Make sure to study hard for the exams, you too freshmen! Many underclassmen are stillContinue reading “Get Ready for Finals!”

Alice or The Scottish Gravediggers: Play Review 

Scene from “Alice or The Scottish Gravediggers.” Written by Emma Torkelson Emotional, captivating, suspenseful. These are just a few words used to describe this sinister, French melodrama that the cast and crew of Alice or The Scottish Gravediggers put on from October 26 to the 29th. They had been rehearsing since early September, and spentContinue reading “Alice or The Scottish Gravediggers: Play Review “

It May be “Puff” but the Girls are Tough!

Freshman vs Sophomores Wednesday, Sept. 28th closed with a big night for the Bishop Kelly community and stirred up some in school rivalry as teams of young women from all four grades marched their way onto the Nick Ysursa field to compete in the annual PowderPuff games. The underclassmen took on the first game ofContinue reading “It May be “Puff” but the Girls are Tough!”