Holiday Writing Competition – 3rd Place Winner

We are excited to share the story that won 3rd place in the 2023 BK Newspaper Holiday Writing Contest! The Third Place Winner is Brooklyn Goldsberry. Congratulations! My favorite holiday memory I’ve lived for 14 years and been through 14 christmas’ but there is one christmas memory that i look back to sometimes. It wasContinue reading “Holiday Writing Competition – 3rd Place Winner”

Holiday Writing Competition – 1st Place Winner

We are excited to share the story that won 1st place in the 2023 BK Newspaper Holiday Writing Contest! The first place winner chose to remain anonymous. Congratulations! Expression Through Song (I chose the prompt: What was the best gift you have ever received) Seated on the living room couch, completely immobilized, I grappled withContinue reading “Holiday Writing Competition – 1st Place Winner”

Holiday Writing Competition – 2nd Place Winner

We are excited to share the story that won 2nd place in the 2023 BK Newspaper Holiday Writing Contest! The second place winner chose to remain anonymous. Congratulations! Sinterklaas I grew up with both parents from very different places than Idaho. Because they both came from very different cultures, that means they also come fromContinue reading “Holiday Writing Competition – 2nd Place Winner”

Donate Blood on January 12!

Did you know every two seconds someone in the US needs a blood transfusion? Even though you may not be thinking about donating blood, blood is needed every day by patients facing medical adversity. Bishop Kelly is hosting another blood drive with the Red Cross of Idaho in the Upper Carley Center, Thursday January 12thContinue reading “Donate Blood on January 12!”