Chasing State Glory

Written By Claire Bowman

Photo by Reggie Baca

As the 2024 wrestling season continues, BK has a talented team on its way to state glory. A resounding record of 15 state qualifiers, 7 state placers, and the 5 gold medals they took home last season, encourages the team’s drive for the new year. With all 5 state finishers returning to the team, many already committed to university, the young men pose a threat to the 4A competition and their goals are higher than ever. Junior Matthew Martino (152), a commit to Princeton University, is predicted to have an exceptional season. Jadon Skellenger (157) bound for LeHigh University is an All American, an honor bestowed upon high school and collegiate athletes, in this case wrestlers, that are one of the best in their weight class nationally. Jackson Duncan (152) who is committed to Midland University, also enters the season with high aspirations. Jake Castagneto (132) also continues his academic and athletic career at North Dakota State University. These wrestlers and more are all planning to continue their wrestling careers in college. 

When asked about his hopes and expectations for the upcoming season, 2023 individual state champion and team captain Manuel Valdez (138) expressed that many of the seniors envision one final team state title. Valdez has noticed that collectively the team is “getting better as the week goes by”. So far, he believes that his teammates have “surpassed any and all expectations, they are all amazing”. 

Valdez credits this season’s lineup to head coach Manny Ybarra for this year’s success. Valdez attributes the positive influences on the team to the coaches and their attention to small details as a high for the season. A low that many of his teammates would relate to would be making weight. A large part of the wrestling culture is the discipline they have for their weight class and the advantages of higher ends of the weight class. Therefore, remaining aware of their weigh-ins throughout the season is crucial to their success. Valdez is proud of his teammate’s dedication this season. He believes that his teammates have “surpassed any and all expectations”. The intense discipline that the sport requires is something that many of the teammates would agree on and the attention to it is the key to their success. 

As one of four girls on BK’s wrestling team, junior Ava Archabal believes that their determination and goals drive the young women to succeed along with the coaches. Archabal went on to say that they set goals for themselves before each match, like taking a certain amount of “shots” or getting “a snap,” in order to challenge themselves. Overall, the team’s goal is to strive to do their best at every given moment this season. When asked about the team’s work ethic, Archabal stated that “to be in such a taxing sport you have to be dedicated” and the level of that commitment shines throughout each one of them. Archabal’s favorite part of the season “would definitely be [going to] the away tournaments and having those team bonding moments”. Traveling to tournaments in a close-knit girls team brings the athletes together.

Overall, the 2023-2024 season is shaping up to be promising for Bishop Kelly’s wrestlers, and the future of college wrestling looks bright. With the perseverance and discipline from many of the teammates, the BK wrestling team is surely on track for a state title.

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