Holiday Writing Competition – 3rd Place Winner

We are excited to share the story that won 3rd place in the 2023 BK Newspaper Holiday Writing Contest! The Third Place Winner is Brooklyn Goldsberry. Congratulations!

My favorite holiday memory

I’ve lived for 14 years and been through 14 christmas’ but there is one christmas memory that i look back to sometimes. It was the christmas of 2022 when i was in the 8th grade, i couldn’t go to sleep at night because i was very excited even though i know santa isn’t real but i wasn’t excited to get the presents well i was but that wasn’t the point, i was very excited to see my siblings since i hardly ever seen them anymore and i only see them around holidays, my birthday, or when they randomly come over and i love them very much. I finally fell asleep at three in the morning and woke up at six in the morning. I wasn’t tired when I woke up which is crazy since only getting three hours of sleep seems exhausting but I was fine. Two hours later i got up and hung out in the living room waiting for my parents to wake up watching LaurenZside or Markiplier, after my parents got up my mom said i could open one of my presents so i opened a rectangular wrapped box and when i opened it there was a hello kitty funko pop and i love hello kitty but not to the point where i need to be banned from it. Skipping to hours later when my family comes over and we open our presents and they stay for a long time until like 8:50 at night where i’m very tired from last night and want to go to bed but then spend an extra hour on my phone talking to my friends about final fantasy or our favorite bands. I got $101 dollars from opening cards and I was thrilled since getting money is the best thing to get on christmas. After christmas my mom, my niece, and i went to the mall and i got christmas presents for my friends which was easy since i only had like two at the time and i like giving presents to my friends even when they don’t give back its fine. Overall that is my favorite memory to remember maybe this year i could do the same but we’ll see.

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