Holiday Writing Competition – 1st Place Winner

We are excited to share the story that won 1st place in the 2023 BK Newspaper Holiday Writing Contest! The first place winner chose to remain anonymous. Congratulations!

Expression Through Song

(I chose the prompt: What was the best gift you have ever received)

Seated on the living room couch, completely immobilized, I grappled with feelings of helplessness. I knew this procedure was supposed to change me for the better; however, I didn’t want to accept that it would affect me negatively. I felt stuck in my thoughts and hindered from expressing my feelings to others. As these thoughts born from boredom manifested in my mind, I glanced at the only two things even close enough to grab. My phone, right next to me, would only lead me down a spiral of insecurity and self-doubt. So, instead, I leaned a painful extra 3 inches and reached for my guitar. My dad grew up playing the piano and continued to be an amazing player in his later years. This passion extended to my brother and I being put into piano lessons about as soon as we could bilaterally move our fingers. Whenever I asked why I had to practice, my dad always responded that I would be thankful when I was older. However, as I got older, that argument became less convincing. It took away time I could practice sports, do homework, or hang out with friends. I began to resent my parents every time I sat down at the shiny black piano bench, wishing I had a time machine. However, everything changed when I could no longer engage in sports due to my hip injury. I first discovered I actually enjoyed playing music the summer before junior year. I played cover songs on the piano that were simple yet fun to sing along to. I soon found myself eagerly eyeing any available piano, excited to share the songs I had mastered. My journey took a new turn in April of 2023 when I underwent hip surgery. During my recovery, I turned to the guitar, appreciating its adaptability to my condition. I started by playing chords and progressively got into picking while also using my love for writing poems to further this musical revival into songwriting.
While recovering from my injury, I battled with bouts of depression, anxiety, and insecurity. To cope, I willingly dedicated entire nights to practice, seeking validation and reassurance that I was at least good at something. I may not be the star soccer player, the most conventionally attractive girl, or the valedictorian, but I could play the piano and guitar. And through those silent, emotionally charged nights, I realized that the music most of my friends and peers gave up on now made me unique. Music brought forth expressions I hadn’t yet learned to present in words, and as a result, It became my outlet for emotions I was struggling with. The greatest gift I have ever received is my love for music. Never in my wildest dreams could I have predicted that an injury and three weeks of immobilization on the coach would lead me to discover a passion I never thought possible.

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