Get Ready for Finals!

Written By: Rhinarrah Narruhn

Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, are you ready for finals? Well it’s time for one of the most stressful time periods of almost everybody’s high school career. Mark your calendars for December 19-22, Tuesday to Friday. Make sure to study hard for the exams, you too freshmen! Many underclassmen are still fresh out of middle school, let’s explore some ways they can study for their exams.

According to some of the staff members of Bishop Kelly’s front office, finals will start on Tuesday, December 19 with final exams for periods 1, 2, and 3. The following day, Wednesday, will have final exams for periods 4 and 5. Then on Thursday students will have their last two exams for  periods 6 and 7. There will be no school on Friday thanks to winter break! Each exam will last an hour and a half. On Tuesday school starts at 8:30 am and ends at 2 pm. On Wednesday school will start at 8:30 and end at 11:55, same for Thursday. 

Mrs. Anderson stated that the items students will need for finals week “depends on what class [they’re] going to be tested on. But mainly bring a computer, at least two writing utensils, a notebook, and a calculator if [they’re] taking a math class.” Mainly just think about what classes are going to have finals the day it begins so there is enough time to prepare for whatever is required or needed. Or if no one is really confident in their decision, ask a teacher! 

Speaking about teachers, if any student gains 20 points or more in the Frassati Food Drive they’re able to use vouchers when trying to redeem a classroom incentive offered by our teachers. For example, maybe a student was late and everyone has already started the test, they can use their voucher and their teacher will excuse their tardiness. But it all depends on the teacher, so ask teachers what they will offer!

Additionally, freshmen can reach out to their upperclassmen and the Bishop Kelly counseling team for the best advice on studying for final exams. Recently, in their newsletter Bishop Kelly counselors left these 12 tips anyone can use to prepare themselves for finals week.

  1. Make a Finals Game Plan.

Basically, plan out your study sessions for all your exams. Use alerts or reminders on your phone to stick to the plan.

  1. Start Early

Finals might be a month away, but it’s better to prepare yourself way before that. Think about all the knowledge you have to memorize before the day comes. Give your brain breaks too!

  1. Study in this order: a) definitely b) probably c) might be on the final

Don’t try to cram everything in when you begin restudying your notes, think about what will definitely be on the test and review that material first. Then move on to studying what will probably be on the test then what might be covered.

  1. Give yourself more time to study for your toughest classes

If a certain class gave you a hard time all semester, devote more time to studying that subject. Look over your previous scores on quizzes, tests or homework. Take extra time reviewing what you missed. Starting with the toughest classes, you have more time asking your teachers any questions you might have.

  1. Form a study group

Make a plan to have a study session with your friends. Quiz each other, compare notes, or work through tricky concepts. You’ll benefit from the good study habits and notes from other people.

  1. Talk it out

While studying with friends you can also learn more from them. By talking out the facts and formulas with a study partner, you’re thinking about the material more deeply, which means you’ll remember it better later.

  1. Get creative with study aids

While studying you can also make up ways that’ll help you memorize your material better. Make flashcards to help memorize dates and equations. Or come up with fun acronyms or a phrase that’ll help memorize a fact. 

  1. Study your notes

Outline your class notes for daily review. Use notes or flashcards for last minute studying the morning of finals.

  1. Quiz yourself

If you’re studying at home, have your parents quiz you over the information you already studied.

  1. Make sleep a priority

Sleep is very important, and you shouldn’t stay up trying to study everything at once. You just add stress and you won’t retain the information for very long by studying that way. You might even forget some of it by the time the test begins.

  1. Take five

Take breaks to improve your concentration when you return to studying. Chill and just lay down, watch an episode of your favorite TV show, eat, annoy friends, or just take a nap.

  1. Brain food is real

Eat healthy and drink plenty of water to keep your brain charged. Having a healthy breakfast, good amount of sleep and staying hydrated will really help you.

Underclassmen and upperclassmen have a lot of time to get ready for Fall finals. Study well and be confident, don’t add unnecessary stress. Use your time wisely, finals are in four weeks! Be good and do good. Go Knights!

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